In India, the goals and aims which we are trying to achieve for the children of our country since the independence, that is Universalization of Elementary Education has come a step closer with the Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009. This is an act for the children which provide provisions of children ages between six and fourteen years in our country. The RTE Act with its diverse features and goal to provide social justice is a landmark act and has opened many doors for our children in our country. The RTE Act 2009, has opened many doors for children, yet the larger concern, It whether the children of our country will be able to take the advantage of the opportunities provide to them by this Act. Especially the girl child, as per the report of National University for Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) clearly state that the many girls got enrolled in the primary and upper primary level. But they leave the education early or very few reaches the secondary level especially the girls belonging from the rural areas. The gap is quite higher between the primary level to secondary level. According to “MHRD (2015-2016)” report there is the difference of 3.1% of enrolment rate from the primary and upper primary level. But the difference increases by 16.5% from elementary to secondary level which is quit higher. The present study is attempted to examine the various challenges and barriers responsible in the uplifting of women education. The study also tries to analyses the working of the Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009 with special reference to look after barriers and challenges arising in women education